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Audience: Scientists using Jython scripting

Purpose: Describe usage of the Jython annotation command.

See also:


  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Usage
    1. namedParams
      1. colors
  3. Advanced Usage

1. Introduction

The annotation command creates annotations on the canvas from programs.

2. Basic Usage

annotation( text='Plot 1', fontSize=1.4 )  

will put an annotation on canvas, replacing it if one already exists.

annotation( index, text='Plot 2', fontSize=1.4 )  

where index is the annotation number.

2.1. namedParams

All of these are optional:

  • text The message, allowing Granny codes
  • textColor text color
  • background background color
  • foreground foreground color
  • fontSize size relative to parent (1.2em) or in pts (8pt)\n
  • borderType draw a border around the annotation text none,rectangle,roundedRectangle.
  • anchorBorderType draw a border around the anchor box.
  • anchorPosition One of NE,NW,SE,SW, N,E,W,S, outsideN,outsideNNW
  • anchorType PLOT means relative to the plot. DATA means relative to xrange and yrange
  • rowId row to anchor, or empty for the entire page
  • columnId column to anchor, or empty for the entire page
  • xrange, yrange anchor box when data coordinates
  • pointAt comma separated X and Y to point the annotation arrow at.
  • pointAtOffset length like "1em" to back off the pointer so that the subject can be seen.

NOTE: arguments should be flexible, so findgen(5) can be used as well as [0,1,2,3,4], and timegen('2018-001T00:00Z','24hr',3) instead of ['2018-001T00:00Z','2018-002T00:00Z','2018-003T00:00Z'], and Color.RED as well as 'Red' and 0xFF0000.

2.1.1. colors

Color can be a Java color object (Color.GREEN), or a string which can be converted into a color. Examples include:

'DarkRed' X11 color names are resolved.  See, and note spaces should be removed from names.
'0x00FF00' RGB colors specified in hex.
'0xA000FF00' ARGB, where A is the "alpha" or transarency channel, and 0 is completely invisible and 255 (FF) is completely opaque.
Color.RED Java color object.

3. Advanced Usage

annotation = annotation( index=1 )
annotation.text= 'New Title'

The "1" indicates that the annotation at index 1 should be used for this. This similar to the plot command which also has an index. This is so that annotations and plots are replaced instead of added again and again as the script is rerun.

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