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Purpose: Write up a spec for cleaning up the logging system.


  1. Discussion
  2. Logger top-level hierarchy
  3. Other loggers added
  4. LoggerManager
  5. Refactoring
  6. How to turn on logging
  7. 2020-02-02

1. Discussion

Reiner pointed out that his logs are several megabytes a day, with Autoplot spewing out information useless to him, and actually no longer useful to the developers. Java Logging is used half-heartedly throughout the code, which is a system that lets you control how much of any channel's information you want to here. The advantage of logging is you can turn off the debug messages you need now and again to figure out what's going on. The disadvantage is that it's difficult to use logging effectively.

Reiner's complaints inspire me to go and clean all this up. Also, I've recently learned how to add breakpoints to print debug messages, so this reduces the need for System.err.println use. This is a document that outlines how loggers will be configured so that they are used consistently throughout the system.

See: "autoplot logging is verbose and inconsistent" and "revisit Autoplot logging"

2. Logger top-level hierarchy

Note that logging is hierarchical. "das2" will include all the messages of "das2.graph"

das2 messages from the das2 graphics subsystem. This has a developed namespace and I wouldn't want to mess with it.

qdataset messages with data handling. data operations.

qstream messages having to do with qstream formatting and parsing, filtering

datum parsing and formatting. math.

apdss autoplot data source messages

autoplot autoplot application, applet, testing

jython jython

jython.editor having to do with completion, etc.

console.stdout when the console is visible, stdout messages are handled via this logger

console.stderr when the console is visible, stderr messages are handled via this logger

3. Other loggers added

autoplot.dom having to do with loading and saving state

autoplot.bookmarks bookmarks system

autoplot.pngwalk pngwalk application

autoplot.tsb time series browse

apdss.ascii ascii datasource

apdss.csv csv datasource

apdss.cdfjava java cdf datasource

apdss.html html tables datasource

apdss.jyds Jython Data Source.

apdss.dss data set selector GUI

apdss.agg data source aggregator

apdss.uri data set URIs and registry

qdataset.ascii ascii parsing, which is done within the qdataset package.

4. LoggerManager

Ed came up with a nice idea for keeping track of loggers. The problem is there's no way to discover loggers. So we use org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("name") instead of just Logger.getLogger("name"). The LoggerManager keeps track of all the loggers it's accessed. Note too that there are two of these. Presently the two projects dasCoreDatum and dasCoreUtil are unaware of each other, and to preserve that the LoggerManager class is found in both projects. They are functionally identical, and the one in dasCoreUtil should be used.

5. Refactoring

System.err.println -> logger.fine

Any class that is logging should have a private or protected static final Logger logger:

private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("qdataset.ascii");

then this is used to log at a level of FINE or less, so scripts will not see this message:

logger.finest( 'found column' )
logger.log( Level.FINE, "found column named {0} at {1}", new Object[]{lookFor, j} );

If a condition is a warning that the user will want to know about, then INFO or above can be used, but realize these messages will need to be reported through some other mechanism as well:

logger.log(Level.WARNING, "metadata found for key {0}, but this is not found in the ascii file parser", key);
warnings.add( String.format( "metadata found for key %s, but this is not found in the ascii file parser", key ) )

Note Netbeans likes to help out by adding code to send messages to loggers based on the class name:

Logger.getLogger(DataSetUtilTest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

6. How to turn on logging

When the application is run interactively, logging can be enabled via the console tab, Console Settings..., and then the GUI to control log levels. This GUI also has controls for how log messages are displayed as well, with metadata like timing and thread identifier.

When Java is run from the command line, the Java option "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/tmp/" is used with the file /tmp/


7. 2020-02-02

At some point I made it so that AUTOPLOT_DATA/config/ is always loaded. This consistent rule works well.

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